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St. Matthews Exterminating
Serving families and businesses like yours with effective, safe and expert pest control since 1969.
Free Estimates. Great service, Guaranteed results. 502.896.8831.

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When ants find food, they lay down a chemical trail from the nest that tells other ants where to find it.

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A cockroach can live a week without it's head. It only dies because, without it's mouth, it can't drink water.

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Over the counter bug killers are less effective and more dangerous because they are applied by untrained individuals.

Avoid embarrassing situations and potential health risks.
Get Our Free Report:
20 Ways to Bug Proof your Home.

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Mosquitoes are repelled by citronella because it irritates their feet.

Special Bed
Bug Update!
Bed Bug infestations are on the rise worldwide. Read this to see how you can avoid these pests.